An annual event to raise awareness and essential funds for SOLE's Youth Scholarship Fund

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SOLE Kicks Off Its 10 Year Anniversary!

Since the summer of 2012, Selkirk Outdoor Leadership & Education or “SOLE” has been doing just that – developing and facilitating intentional and transformational experiential


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SOLE COVID-19 Response

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] One of our goals at SOLE is to mitigate any risk our participants could experience.  As such, we are continuing to closely monitoring the continued community impacts of COVID-19, and will refresh updates here.

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Do you have a “lichen” for learning?

Foliose Lichen Leaf-like. This type of lichen often has a “top-side” and “bottom-side” to these lichens. Think of something that looks like good-ole leaf lettuce. Fruticose Lichen Shrub or hair-like. Common examples in North Idaho

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One Step Further…

As we take a look at our summer experiences thus far, we are excited to share some of the strides our Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) LEAD Experience students have made!  For the past two years, SOLE

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