An annual event to raise awareness and essential funds for SOLE's Youth Scholarship Fund

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Who We Are

Who We Are

Selkirk Outdoor Leadership & Education (SOLE), Inc. is a licensed and credentialed 501(c)(3) non-profit led by professionals with noteworthy experience designing and facilitating intentional experiential education programming for youth and adult stakeholders in urban, as well as remote settings. In addition, our personnel possesses professional certifications in outdoor emergency response and outdoor technical skill proficiencies, as well as advanced degrees in the fields of experiential education, outdoor education, traditional education, and special education. This level of professionalism ensures that our stakeholders are well taken care of when out on course and the content delivered exceeds beyond the norm!

"It takes a village to raise a child."

We also view our stakeholders as integral part of our organization’s ability to achieve our mission, and therefore, equally as important. These individuals, groups, organizations, agencies, institutions, and corporations include those which comprise our board of directors, partners, and community at large. Learn more about our team, our partners, and our community by clicking on one of the options below.

Our Staff

Check out our savvy administrators and faculty that have a heart of gold.

SOLE is fortunate to possess a talented team of individuals with well over 100 years of combined real world experience serving as administrators and faculty for some of our nation’s leading institutions and organizations prior to coming to SOLE. These individuals also possess advanced degrees in the fields of traditional academia, special education, and experiential education. Click on the button below to learn more about our team.

Our Board of Directors

Check out our board of directors that work tirelessly so we can 'reach and teach' more youth everyday.

SOLE’s board of directors are professionals in their own right and understand the importance of transformational experiential education for those serve. As such, these phenomenal individuals work diligently throughout the year to ensure that our community stakeholders have consistent access to the programs we offer. Click on the button below to learn more about our board of directors.

Our Partners & Community

Check out our partners and community. After all, it really does take a village to raise a child.

SOLE’s partners, and the communities we serve, truly understand the value and importance of the work we do. Without consistent support, financial and otherwise, SOLE would not be able to fully actualize our mission effectively. We are sincerely grateful for their continued support. Click on the button below to learn more about our partners and community.