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Junior Naturalist Experiences

Junior Naturalist Experiences

ReWILD your child and transform into a Nature Detective SM or Nature Explorer SM when summer arrives! Perfect for those youth 4-9 years old that love exploring and learning about our natural world, SOLE Junior Naturalist Experiences SM provide the perfect balance of outdoor free-play and purposeful experiential education lessons to keep youth immersed and engaged in this novel classroom environment while have the opportunity to be creative and explore!


These unique and intentional programs provide the perfect balance of an outdoor science camp, and free-play allowing participants to explore their creative side while being immersed in their local environs to learn in a fun and engaging manner!  While doing so, these young participants become actual Junior Naturalists SM as they explore, create, and learn!   Each day is “theme-based” allowing participants to experience a well-rounded curriculum which creates a sense of belonging to our natural world.

Evidence-based research has shown the importance of two essential needs that supports healthy child development that are underscored in our Junior Naturalist Experience SM programs:

  1. Nature-based immersion.
  2. Unstructured time outdoors or what is known as “free-play”.

During these outdoor science camps youth are immersed in their natural world where they are able to directly experience what they are learning about, allowing them to develop a sound sense of place and an affinity for nature.  In addition, while we provide adequate supervision in all SOLE Experiences SM these programs purposefully provide unstructured time to explore and create while they interact with peers allowing participants to develop additional interpersonal and critical-thinking skills which reach beyond the norm and serve as an natural bridge to our LEAD Experience SM summer programs!

My kids LOVED it, and asked to come back next year! I would recommend SOLE to any parent looking for an outdoor summer camp that blends intentional programming with some serious fun! Thanks to everyone at SOLE for running a memorable summerexperience for my kids!”

Ready to register?

Follow the simple steps below.

  1. Click on the button below and you will be redirected to the registration page where you can complete your registration online.
  2. Upon receipt, complete student paperwork and fax/email to us.
  3. Set up transportation and accommodations for the program (if necessary).
  4. Review personal clothing and gear list and complete.
  5. Pack and head out!