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Blog & News

Category: From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Don’t Spark That Wildfire!

There’s something about that ubiquitous campfire.  It just draws us in, and there is nothing like sharing tall tales, kinship and laughter around a campfire.  That

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Idaho Gives BIG in 2015!

As the Idaho Gives saying goes – when we are ALL in, we ALL win! This was no exception on May 7th, 2015 when I had the pleasure of witnessing local nonprofits in

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An Affinity For Nature

According to Merriam’s Online Dictionary the word affinity is defined as a natural attraction, liking, or feeling of kinship.   Affinity may or may not be something

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Searching for Polaris

Searching for Polaris Dennison Webb, M.A., SOLE Founder & Executive Director Every now and then you have the opportunity to be humbled.  Come August I

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